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Three Hand-Related Considerations To Evaluate When Buying A Pistol For Self-Defense

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When you're shopping for a new pistol for self-defense, it's easy to fall into the habit of automatically reaching for a make and model that you recognize or that a friend has. The truth is that gun buyers need to be highly selective about the firearms that they purchase, especially when the intended use of the weapon is self-defense. While there are many different criteria to think about before you buy your gun, the size of your hands is critical. This is why it's always a good idea to handle many different firearms before you choose the one that is right for you. Here are three hand-size considerations to keep in mind.

Palm Size

As you take different handguns into your hand, pay special attention to the size of your palm and how it relates to the size of each gun's handle. You're looking for a comfortable fit, but it's possible that your palms will be too big or too small for certain firearms. For example, if your palms are large, a smaller firearm can feel like a toy within your hand and thus be awkward to shoot. Conversely, those with tiny palms may struggle to get a solid grip on a gun with a big handle.

Finger Length

The length of your fingers is another consideration to think about. Generally, you won't have trouble reaching the trigger with comfort, but you should note the ease with which you can flip the safety lever. This lever is located in different spots on many handguns, and it's not as accessible on some compared to others. You want to be able to reach the lever with your thumb, for example, without changing your "ready" grip — in other words, you don't want to be fumbling to switch the safety off if there's a threat in front of you.

Hand Strength

The strength that you possess in your hands is also to factor into your purchase of a firearm for self-defense. This relates primarily to the weight of the weapon. Some firearms are heavier than others, which can make them difficult to control successfully and safely if your hands lack strength. You'll also want to give some thought to the trigger pull. If your hands are very strong, a firearm with a light trigger pull may not be ideal. In this scenario, you may wish to buy a firearm for sale with a heavier trigger pull.
